RADAN (Czech Republic) - Newsfeed http://cz.radan.com/ RADAN (Czech Republic) - Newsfeed Wed, 04 Oct 2023 08:58:20 GMT PF 2021 http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/pf-2021 Vážení zákazníci a obchodní partneři, děkujeme za vaši důvěru a spolupráci v letošním roce a přejeme vám krásné a pohodové prožití svátků vánočních. Těšíme se na další shledání v roce 2021. ... Fri, 04 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/pf-2021 Důležité sdělení pro zákazníky - speciální nabídka http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/audit-skoleni-a-pp_koronakrize Důležité sdělení pro zákazníky - speciální nabídka Vážení zákazníci, doufáme, že se vám i v současné náročné situaci daří dobře a jste zdrávi. Rádi bychom vám připomněli, že i nyní, kdy část našich zákazníků a partnerů pociťuje útlum ve výrobě, nebo alespoň nejistotu v zakázkové náplni, jsme připraveni vám pomoct a udržet ... Thu, 24 Sep 2020 23:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/audit-skoleni-a-pp_koronakrize Je možné na jediné zakázce ušetřit desetitisíce za materiál? http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/je-mozne-na-jedine-zakazce-usetrit-desetitisice-za-material Je možné na jediné zakázce ušetřit desetitisíce za materiál? V současné nelehké době, kdy mnoho firem registruje pokles objednávek, a u těch, které získají, je o to větší tlak na cenu, je více než kdy jindy nutné hledat možnosti úspor a snažit se o zvýšení efektivity práce. Abychom vás podpořili, rozhodli ... Thu, 28 May 2020 23:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/je-mozne-na-jedine-zakazce-usetrit-desetitisice-za-material Chraňte sebe a své kolegy v období pandemie prací z domova! http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/chrante-sebe-a-sve-kolegy-v-obdobi-pandemie-praci-z-domova Chraňte sebe a své kolegy v období pandemie prací z domova! Pevně doufáme, že s ohledem na stávající situaci ohledně koronaviru zůstáváte vy i vaše rodiny v bezpečí a zdraví! Víte o tom, že můžete také pracovat z domova pomocí vašeho softwaru RADAN? I v této době zůstává naším hlavním cílem stát po ... Wed, 25 Mar 2020 00:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/chrante-sebe-a-sve-kolegy-v-obdobi-pandemie-praci-z-domova Nová adresa technické podpory http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/zmena-adresy-technicke-podpory Nová adresa technické podpory Vážení zákazníci, upozorňujeme vás na změnu adresy naší technické podpory. Nyní se nachází na adrese Štefánikova 3072 ve Zlíně. Adresa školicích místností a obchodního oddělení zůstává beze změn. .   ... Thu, 06 Feb 2020 00:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/zmena-adresy-technicke-podpory Nové spojení přes sociální sítě http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/nove-spojeni-pres-socialni-site Nové spojení přes sociální sítě Milí zákazníci, abychom si s vámi byli ještě blíž, založili jsme pro RADAN účet na Facebooku a Instagramu. Nově tak můžete sledovat novinky i tam. Facebookovou stránku RADAN můžete sledovat zde: https://www.facebook.com/radanczech/. Instagramovou stránku RADAN můžete sledovat zde: https://www.instagram.com/radancz/. Těšíme se na vás :-)   ... Mon, 09 Dec 2019 00:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/nove-spojeni-pres-socialni-site Jak zkrátit výrobní čas optimalizací programování http://cz.radan.com/news/casestudies/jak-zkratit-vyrobni-cas-optimalizaci-programovani Jak zkrátit výrobní čas optimalizací programování Společnost Métal Industrie byla založena v roce 1993 sloučením tří společností, které se specializovaly na výrobu plechových výrobků a dekorací a pro jejich výrobu využívaly služeb externích firem, které jim výrobky vypálily na laseru. V roce 2011 se přestěhovali z dílny o velikosti 300 m2 do větších ... Tue, 12 Nov 2019 00:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/casestudies/jak-zkratit-vyrobni-cas-optimalizaci-programovani Glen Dimplex Thermal Solutions (GDTS) http://cz.radan.com/news/casestudies/glen-dimplex-thermal-solutions "There’s a really delicate balance and a really tight link between the laser and the software. So much of the potential of the expensive piece of machinery is dependent upon on how well you use the software." Glen Dimplex Thermal Solutions (GDTS) Glen Dimplex Thermal Solutions achieves greater efficiency and ... Tue, 11 Jun 2019 23:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/casestudies/glen-dimplex-thermal-solutions RADAN Features at ALCOR Event http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/bimday-2019 ALCOR represents the four Production Software products across both Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. RADAN Features at ALCOR Event Sheet Metal Software Demos for Civil and Industrial Construction Industry Delegates A Kazakhstan company that has recently become an EDGECAM, RADAN, VISI and WORKXPLORE reseller, is holding a conference dedicated to the modern ... Mon, 10 Jun 2019 23:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/bimday-2019 New Territory Sales Manager Mike Szymkiewicz Joins RADAN to Support Sales and Existing Customers in the Southeastern U.S. http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/new-territory-sales-manager-mike-szymkiewicz-joins-radan New Territory Sales Manager Mike Szymkiewicz Joins RADAN to Support Sales and Existing Customers in the Southeastern U.S. The Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Production Software business has hired new Territory Sales Manager Mike Szymkiewicz to support sales and existing users of the RADAN solution for sheet metal in the Southeastern United ... Wed, 05 Jun 2019 23:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/new-territory-sales-manager-mike-szymkiewicz-joins-radan Workflow Simplified With New RADAN 2020.0 http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/radan-2020-0-release Workflow Simplified With New RADAN 2020.0 Automated and refined processes save time and admin Olaf Körner, Product Manager for RADAN says: “After introducing a strong enhancement to our nesting engine last year, users have increased their operation of the automatic nester. The reporting is really powerful, and the number of ... Mon, 29 Apr 2019 23:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/radan-2020-0-release New Territory Sales Manager Sam Buck Joins RADAN to Support Sales and Existing Customers in the Northeastern U.S. http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/vero-software-hires-new-radan-territory-sales-manager-sam-buck New Territory Sales Manager Sam Buck Joins RADAN to Support Sales and Existing Customers in the Northeastern U.S. The Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Production Software business has hired new Territory Sales Manager Sam Buck, who will engage potential customers and support existing users of the RADAN solution for sheet metal in ... Wed, 17 Apr 2019 23:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/vero-software-hires-new-radan-territory-sales-manager-sam-buck New RADAN Reseller For Russia http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/finval-group-sheet-metal New RADAN Reseller For Russia “In addition, we’re also looking to extend the partnership, for FINVAL to work with Hexagon’s mill-turn software, EDGECAM.” New RADAN Reseller For Russia FINVAL works with Dreambird on metal fabrication and bending solutions Dreambird, an official distributor in Russia, CIS countries and the Baltic regions, ... Mon, 25 Feb 2019 00:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/finval-group-sheet-metal RADAN Trials Improve Efficiency for Lasershape http://cz.radan.com/news/casestudies/lasershape-sheetmetal-success Nesting now said to be a “simple admin task.” “As everything we do now is about efficiency and data capture, RADAN is a key, integral part of the business.” RADAN Trials Improve Efficiency for Lasershape Nesting now said to be a “simple admin task.” A sheet metal subcontractor has recently ... Thu, 14 Feb 2019 00:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/casestudies/lasershape-sheetmetal-success Hexagon’s New G-Code Simulation Software Wows At Southern http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/success-southern-manufacturing-2019 Southern Manufacturing 2019 NCSIMUL Exhibits With Hexagon’s CAD/CAM Software For The First time In UK Hexagon’s New G-Code Simulation Software Wows At Southern NCSIMUL Exhibits With Hexagon’s CAD/CAM Software For The First time In UK The market-leading CAD/CAM software products EDGECAM, VISI and RADAN have exhibited in the UK for ... Mon, 11 Feb 2019 00:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/success-southern-manufacturing-2019 Four Of Hexagon’s CAD/CAM Systems At Southern Manufacturing http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/forthcoming-southern-manufacturing-2019 Southern Manufacturing 2019 Latest Releases of EDGECAM, RADAN, VISI and WORKNC on Stand J240 Four Of Hexagon’s CAD/CAM Systems At Southern Manufacturing Latest Releases of EDGECAM, RADAN, VISI and WORKNC on Stand J240 EDGECAM, RADAN, VISI, and WORKNC will be demonstrating their very latest CAD/CAM technology at the forthcoming Southern ... Fri, 18 Jan 2019 00:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/forthcoming-southern-manufacturing-2019 Potential Partnering and Co-Operation for Vero Brands From Latvian Show http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/tech-industry-trade-fair-2018-success Potential Partnering and Co-Operation for Vero Brands From Latvian Show Vero Software’s official distributor in the Baltics demonstrated three CAD/CAM packages and the stable’s powerful independent CAD viewer, at the Tech Industry trade fair in Latvia, resulting in potential partnering with equipment and tooling producers. Dreambird shared a booth at ... Tue, 11 Dec 2018 00:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/tech-industry-trade-fair-2018-success Latest RADAN 2019 R1 Does More With Fewer Clicks http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/radan-2019r1-release Latest RADAN Does More With Fewer Clicks Users of the latest RADAN release can benefit from streamlined processes, and doing more with fewer clicks. A company-wide investment in development, combined with data from software analytics, means the latest updates are based largely on customer usage and preferences. Product Manager Olaf ... Tue, 04 Dec 2018 00:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/radan-2019r1-release Vero Software Hires New RADAN Territory Sales Manager Justin Duke http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/vero-software-hires-new-radan-territory-sales-manager-justin-duke Vero Software Hires New RADAN Territory Sales Manager Justin Duke Vero Software has hired new Territory Sales Manager Justin Duke, who will oversee sales of the RADAN solution for sheet metal in the Great Plains region.   With more than 30 years of sales experience, including 20 years of experience ... Tue, 04 Dec 2018 00:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/articles/vero-software-hires-new-radan-territory-sales-manager-justin-duke Tindle Construction, Inc. http://cz.radan.com/news/casestudies/tindle-construction-inc Tindle Construction, Inc. Tindle Construction, Inc., uses RADAN nesting and MRP essentials to efficiently process high volumes of sheet-metal parts Continuous improvement has always been the goal at Tindle Construction, Inc., or TCI, where industry expertise and the implementation of efficiency-boosting technologies has helped the company create high-quality products since ... Fri, 23 Nov 2018 00:00:00 GMT http://cz.radan.com/news/casestudies/tindle-construction-inc