3D Concepts’ New RADAN Projects From Mazak Event

RADAN’s German reseller 3D Concepts gained a number of strong leads for new specific projects from manufacturers, at an Open House event hosted by Mazak.

More than 500 delegates attended the two day seminar, and 3D Concepts Sales Director Thomas Menholz says his presentations about RADAN’s role in Industrie 4.0 were especially popular.

Mazak’s event coincided with the first two days of the Intec trade fair at Leipzig, and delegates were taken to Intec following a breakfast meetings and morning session at the Open House.

“The event was particularly successful for RADAN and 3D Concepts,” says Thomas Menholz. “I established several new contacts for upcoming projects.”

His presentations also featured Radic – a robot created by RADAN and manufactured at the event on a Mazak Optiplex 3015 Fiber laser cutter. Each delegate received a Radic flat to fold at their own factories, and take part in an ongoing campaign of taking photos of the robot around the world, and post them on social media.



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